Meaning of Warm-up

Warm-up is the action of heating. This verb refers to communicating heat to a body so that it raises its temperature; to exalt or inflame the spirits; to arouse sexually; or to loosen the muscles before practicing a sport.

Regarding this last meaning, the exercises that an athlete performs before the competition is known as warm-up. The objective is to warm up little by little so that, in full competition, injuries do not occur. Warm-up exercises are very common in the main professional sports, such as soccer or basketball.

Warming up, therefore, seeks to bring the body to its optimum level gradually, since, if it is intended to perform at its best from the first minute, the body’s adaptation will be inadequate and the risks of injury will increase.

Within this type of sports warm-up we have to underline the existence of a classification that divides them into four large groups. Thus, on the one hand, there would be the preventive warm-up, which is the one performed by athletes who are in the midst of recovering from an injury.

On the other hand, there is the so-called general warm-up, which is one that is undertaken to prepare the muscles before carrying out a specific physical activity.

Thirdly, we would talk about the specific warm-up that is the one performed by the athletes, adapting it perfectly to the sports discipline they practice. Thus, for example, those who play tennis because, in addition to warm-ups to prepare their legs, they will basically focus on the development of exercises to prepare their arms in a special way, which are the parts of the body that they will use the most in their competition..

And finally, we would have to talk about the dynamic warm-up, which is defined as being a perfect mix of a large number of exercises that improve flexibility, coordination or strength, for example.

In another sense, the disease suffered by horsemen in frogs and the lung is known as warming.

In addition to all the above, we cannot ignore the existence of a technique used in the field of agriculture that also makes use of the term warming that we are now addressing. This is known as intermittent heating, which has the clear objective of reducing the damage that low temperatures have caused to various crops. Specifically, it is carried out cyclically and in the post-harvest period.

The global warming is, moreover, a phenomenon caused by the increase in temperature of the Earth ‘s atmosphere and of the oceans in recent times. It is also the theory that, based on projections, estimates a future growth in temperatures, usually explained by the action of man.

Scientists therefore consider that human beings must modify their behaviors to reduce pollution (which generates the greenhouse effect, for example) and prevent the temperature from increasing further.
